
A. Memorial Day Weekend.

l. A time to remember.

a. Those who made sacrifices for our country.
b. How much we are blessed.

2. Remembrances for the Christian.

a. We are citizens of a better country.
b. We remember those who have made sacrifices.
c. We must also count our blessings.

B. The Christian Memorial Day.

Body: Hebrews 12: 1, 2

I. The Great Cloud Of Witnesses.

A. The Men of Old (Abel, Enoch, Noah [11: 4 - 7]).

B. The Forefathers (Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph [11: 8 - 22]).

C. Israel, The Early Years (Moses, Crossing the Red Sea, Rahab [11: 23 - 31]).

D. Judges, Kings, & Prophets [11: 32 - 34].

E. Many others of faith [11: 35 – 40].

II. Our Response.

A. Lay aside our burdens.

B. Rid ourselves of sin.

C. Run with endurance.

III. The Great Witness.

A. Jesus our Hero!

1. He laid aside the weight of worldliness.
2. He laid aside the weight of negative attitude.
3. He laid aside the weight of selfishness.

B. Jesus' Perspective.

1. His mission was one leading to joy.
2. He brought God's gift to mankind.
3. No suffering was going to deter Him from accomplishing the task set before Him.

C. Jesus' Accomplishments.

1. He won the race.
2. He enjoys the joy.
3. He has sat down with God.


A. Take Time To Remember!

1. Those who have gone on before and now surround us.

2. The One who has gone before to prepare.

B. Those Who Remember - Endure. Those Who Endure - Win!