PowerPoint File for this sermon.


Introduction: Hebrews 11: 6

A. We Have Discussed Some Of The Evidence For God's Existence.

B. We Then Discussed Evidence For Believing The Bible Is Where We Learn About God And About What He Wants Us To Do.

C. There Are Two Needs For Faith To Exist, Though.

1. We must believe He exists.

2. We must believe He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

Body: Acts 17: 26 - 28

I. How Do We Seek Him?

A. We seek to find Him.

1. He is not far (Acts 17: 27b).
a. Some religious seekers are told to travel to a far off mountainous place to find a wise teacher.
b. Some are told to travel to a far city or building to seek truth or God.
2. He can be found (Isaiah 55: 6).
3. We must humble ourselves (2 Chronicles 7: 14).

B. We seek to know Him.

1. We must serve Him with a loyal heart (1 Chronicles 28:9).
2. We must serve Him with a willing mind (1 Chronicles 28:9).
3. We must search the Scriptures (Acts 17: 11).

C. We seek to worship Him.

ekzeteo = investigate, crave, demand, worship
1. We understand that He alone exists and is awesome (Zephaniah 2: 11).
2. We desire to worship Him from our spirit and according to His truth (John 4: 23).

II. How Are We Diligent?

A. We must love Him (Proverbs 8: 17).

B. With all our heart and soul (Deuteronomy 4: 29).

C. We must desire His approval (2 Timothy 2: 15).

D. We must not become sluggish (Hebrews 6: 11, 12).

III. Believing He Rewards.

A. He will answer our call (Psalms 91: 14, 15).

B. He will fill our hunger and thirst (Matthew 5: 6).

C. He gives to those who ask, seek and knock (Matthew 7: 7 - 11).

D. He gives the promise of an inheritance (Colossians 3: 23, 24).

IV. Examples Of Diligent Seekers.

The 11th chapter of Hebrews gives numerous examples of diligent seekers being rewarded by God.

A. The wise men (Matthew 2: 9 - 11).

B. Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 2 - 5).

C. Cornelius (Acts 10: 1 - 4).

Conclusion: Genesis 15: 1

A. Do You Believe God Rewards Those Who Diligently Seek Him?

B. Are You Diligently Seeking Him?

1. Are you searching the Scriptures to see what they say about God?

2. Are you craving to know more about Him and spend more time with Him?

C. What Is Holding You Back From Diligently Seeking Him?