
A. We Are Taught From An Early Age To Ask Questions.

1. It helps us to  learn more.

2. It causes us to look, seek and think differently.

3. It is an easy way to pester others.

B. Question: Why Did Jesus Come To Earth?

Body: 1 Peter 1: 17 - 21

I. To Fulfill The Law (Matthew 5: 17 - 20).

A. He did not come to show the law was imperfect.

B. He did not come to prove the law would not work.

C. He came to show the law was right and good.

D. He came to keep the law.

II. To Do God's Will (John 6: 38 - 40).

A. God sent Him on a mission.

B. He came to save God's people [His true people].

C. He came to bring everlasting life.

III. To Learn Obedience (Hebrews 5: 5 - 9).

A. He earned His position by works not by birth.

B. He had to learn through suffering.

C. He wrote salvation for the obedient.

IV. To Redeem Us (1 Peter 1: 17 - 21).

A. He paid the price to redeem us.

B. The price was His blood, His suffering, His death.

C. This was planned even before the creation.


A. A Question Often Thought Is "What Do I Get By Being A Christian?"

1. We are given the righteousness which comes from God (2 Corinthians 5: 21).

2. We are given the hope of everlasting life.

3. We are taught the importance of obedience.

4. We are redeemed from slavery to Satan, sin, and death.

B. How About You?

1. Do you enjoy these blessings?

2. Are you living your life in a way which honors Christ?

3. Are you a Christian?