
A. For Me!

1. He lived a life of sacrifice.

a. To do the will of God.
b. To seek and save the lost.
c. To serve.

2. He was crucified.

3. He brought God’s grace.

B. His Death Was Not The End!

Body: Luke 23: 50 - 24: 8

I. Proper Burial?

A. A Hasty Burial.

1. Taken from cross.
2. Prepared with spices.
3. Placed in nearby tomb.

B. Day of Preparation.

1. Sabbath was next day.
2. No body to remain "hanging on Sabbath" (Deuteronomy 21: 22, 23).

C. Several Women.

1. Observe where He is laid.
2. Prepare to bury Him properly.

II. The Unexpected!

A. Early Sunday morning.

B. Jesus body is gone.

C. The Angels announce His "rebirth!" (cf. Luke 2: 9 - 11)

III. The Power of The Resurrection.

A. The greatest example of God’s power (Ephesians 1: 19 - 21).

1. To give life again.
2. To lift not only from grave, but all the way to heaven!
3. Placed Him over all.

B. The giving of comfort (1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18).

C. The giving of hope (1 Corinthians 15: 17 - 26).


A. He Is Risen!

1. No sweeter words ever spoken.

2. God has accomplished victory in defeat.

3. We are partakers, if we are His.

B. Have You Risen?

1. From the entanglement of sin.

2. From the depths of despair.