
A. You Have Contracted An Illness.

1. You can go to a doctor at least once a week to receive temporary relief.

2. You can go to the best hospital and be cured.

B. Which Would You Choose?

Body: Hebrews 10: 5 - 18

I. One Focus From Birth.

A. Jesus came to save us from the most deadly disease.

1. Is it worse to lose your mind, but not physical abilities?
2. Is it worse to lose your physical abilities, but not mental?
3. Is it worse to lose your eternal health?

B. His purpose was to do God's will.

C. We are sanctified by His offering.

II. The Perfect Hospital.

A. Option A.

1. Constant treatment.
2. Continual return treatments.
3. No real cure, just "temporary relief."

B. Option B.

1. One treatment.
2. A complete cure of "incurable disease."

III. Grateful Response.

A. Desire to follow doctor's orders.

1. Cure is not a vaccine.
2. Must take steps to keep from being reinfected.

B. Enthusiastically spread the good news.

1. Everyone has the disease.
2. Everyone needs to be cured.


A. Have You Heard The Good News.

1. There is a cure for the most deadly disease.

2. There is easy access to the cure.

3. Only requirement is change of lifestyle.

B. Are You Spreading The Good News.