
A. Many Examples of Special Relationships.

1. Walked with God.

2. Spoke face to face.

3. A heart like God’s.

B. Two Examples of Seeing God in Heaven.


I. Isaiah 6: 1 - 5

A. God is Reigning!

1. Sitting on His throne
2. Train fills the Temple (30' x 45' x 90').

B. God is Worthy!

1. Creatures of Praise.
2. God is:
a. Three times holy.
b. His glory fills the earth (Romans 1: 20).
3. Loudly spoken.

C. Man is Unworthy!

1. Awareness of unworthiness.
2. Crying out in confession.

II. Revelation 4: 1 - 11

A. God is Reigning!

1. God’s beauty as precious gems.
2. Beautiful scenery.
3. Royal room
a. The Ruler of rulers.
b. Power and might.

B. God is Worthy!

1. Three times holy.
2. He is eternal.
3. Continually praised.


A. Have You Been In The Presence of God?

1. A life changing experience.

2. Desire to do His Will.

3. Praise, glorify and magnify Him.

B. Is He Sending You?