PowerPoint File for this sermon.



A.      Last Week We Looked At Christ's Glorious Church.

B.      There Are Warnings.

1.       There are warnings to the church.

2.       There are warnings about the church.

C.      We Must Remember Be Watchful.

Body:  Ephesians 4:  11 - 16

I.       Brief History Of The Church.

A.      Some of the organizational changes.

1.       Bishops (AD 175) one elder selected to be head over the other elders.
2.       Diocese (AD 250) one Bishop was selected to be head over area Bishops.
3.       Council of Bishops (AD 325).
4.       Arch Bishops (between 340 - 400).
5.       The Pope (606 AD).
a.       Viewed as the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church.
b.       Greek (Oriental) Orthodox Church splits away from Catholic Church.

B.      Some of the doctrinal changes.

1.       Council of Nicea (325 AD) The Trinity and 20 Canons.
2.       Worship In Latin Required (394 AD).
3.       Instrumental Music (AD 580/640).
4.       Adoration of the cross, images and relics (AD 788).
5.       Auricular confession to the priest (AD 1215).
6.       Tradition held equal to the Bible (AD 1545).
7.       Infallibility of the Pope (AD 1870).

C.      The Reformation and following changes - Martin Luther 95 Theses (AD 1517).

1.       Lutheran Church (AD 1530) Name adopted in spite of Martin Luther's "protest."
2.       Presbyterian Church (AD 1535) John Calvin originator.
3.       Baptist Church (AD 1607) John Smyth originator.
4.       Methodist Church (AD 1729) John Wesley originator.
5.       Mormon Church (AD 1830) John Smith originator.
6.       Jehovah's Witness (AD 1874) Charles Russell originator.
7.       Nazarene Church (AD 1895) P. F. Bresee originator.

D.      The Restoration (early 1800's).

1.       Often associated with Barton W. Stone, Thomas Campbell, and Alexander Campbell.
2.       Desire by several to return to the Bible and "start over."

II.      Observations.

A.      Thoughts about division.

1.       It was used as a means of separation (1 John 2: 19).
2.       It was used as a means of punishment.
a.       The tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1 - 9).
b.       The divided kingdom (1 Kings 11 & 12).

B.      Following the majority is dangerous (Matthew 7: 13).

C.      Believing it could never happen to us (1 Corinthians 10: 12).

D.      What or who does our name exalt?

1.       Does it exalt a man's name?
2.       Does it exalt an act of obedience?
3.       Does it exalt the organizational structure?
4.       Does it exalt a community or group of people?
5.       Does it exalt Christ as His church (Matthew 16: 18)?

III.    We Must Beware.

A.      We must watch our heart.

1.       A far off heart (Matthew 15: 8, 9)
2.       An evil heart of unbelief (Hebrews 3: 12, 13).
3.       A deceived heart (James 1: 26)
4.       A shut up heart (1 John 3: 17)

B.      We must watch out for false teachers.

1.       Savage wolves/inside as well (Acts 20: 29, 30).
2.       Some will depart from the faith (1 Timothy 4: 1).
3.       Some false teachers causing destruction (2 Peter 2: 1, 2).

C.      We must watch ourselves.

1.       That we are not satisfying our own desires (2 Timothy 4: 3, 4).
2.       That we are not chasing the latest fad doctrine (Ephesians 4: 14).
3.       That we are not following the traditions of men (Colossians 2: 8).


A.      Will We Repeat History?

1.       Those that ignore history tend to repeat it.

2.       By becoming too ignorant of or too smart for the Bible.

3.       We must be careful about doing what others do to become successful.

B.      We must "contend earnestly for the faith."

1.       That we have individually.

2.         That has been passed down through the Scriptures.