
A. How Much Do You Feel You Are Worth?

1. Just a few dollars worth of elements?

2. Stick your finger in a bucket, then pull it out.  See what kind of hole is left.

B. We Often "Beat Up" Ourselves.

C. What Does God Think We Are Worth?


I. As Shown In The Creation (Genesis 1 & 2).

A. God did not just randomly put things together.

B. Created earth to support life.

C. Created a special place for Adam and Eve to live - the Garden of Eden.

D. Made sure had what we needed - even companionship.

II. As Shown By Christ’s Teachings (Matthew 10: 28 - 33).

A. Two sparrows virtually worthless.

B. God knows how many hairs on your head.

C. More value than many sparrows.

III. As Shown Through Christ’s Sacrifice (Isaiah 53:10, 11).

A. Jesus died because of our sins.

B. God felt we were worth the price of His Son's life!

C. He even planned for it beforehand (1 Peter 1: 20).

D. Jesus’ prayer shows it was God's will (Matthew 26: 36 - 46).

IV. As Shown In Our Adoption (Ephesians 1: 3 - 6).

A. God chose us.

B. Christ was sent so that we might be adopted.

C. This was the pleasure of His will.


A. It Is Easy To Feel Worthless.

1. That is the way Satan wants you to feel.

2. That is the way the world wants you to feel.

3. Often, what we do seems so insignificant.

4. We lose sight of what God is really accomplishing.

B. What Does God Think You Are Worth?

1. He created the world so that you might live.

2. He sent Christ to teach the truth.

3. He paid the debt for your sins.

4. He wants you as His child.