
A. What Is Faith?

1. Hebrews 11: 1 = "knowing what you cannot know and seeing what you cannot see."

2. Hebrews 11: 6 = A believe God exists and keeps His promises

B. Show Me!

1. A little boy’s muscle.

2. A husband’s love – "Do you love me?"

3. James 2: 18 = "But someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works."


I. Faith of Abraham (Genesis 22: 1 - 14).

A. Abraham’s faith tested.

1. Go sacrifice special son.
2. Went to obey unwaveringly.

B. Believed God would provide (Hebrews 11: 19).

C. Faith is being certain of Gods provisions.

II. Faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3: 16 - 18).

A. Pressured by peers.

1. Decree to worship idol.
2. Did not bow down, even as a concession.

B. Believed God would rescue, but unwavering if He did not.

C. Faith is trusting God’s will is occurring.

III. Faith of Jesus (Matthew 26: 36 - 46).

A. Jesus is about to be crucified.

B. God was not going to rescue Him.

C. Faith is knowing there is no other choice but God’s way.


A. A Strong Faith Allows No Other Alternatives.

B. Illustration -- Miss Piggy’s Feet In Cement [Muppet Movie].

1. Are we walking along the edge - leaving a chance escape?

2. Are we plunging in with both feet with no possible escape?

C. Are You Firmly Planted In The Rock?