
A. This Month.

1. Our minds turn to thoughts of Spring.

2. Our minds are reminded of love.

B. Many Types Of Love.


I. Your Identification Please [John 13: 31 - 35].

A. A new commandment.

B. Love as Christ has loved (not as you love yourself).

C. This is an identifying characteristic.

II. It's Only Natural [1 Thessalonians 4: 9, 10].

A. It was taught by God.

1. The Spirit in their hearts.
2. By His demonstration on the cross.
3. The feeling we have when we become a Christian.

B. Must increase in it more and more.

III. Going Undercover [1 Peter 4: 7 - 10].

A. Will cover sins.

1. Love is blind - will not notice.
2. Love keeps no record - will not announce to others.
3. Love opens - how many are turned to God by love?

B. Will be hospitable.

C. Will minister to one another.

IV. Forgive, Forgive, Forgive [Ephesians 4: 32].

A. We are to be kind.

B. We are to be tender.

C. We are to forgive.


A. A Potent Example.

1. You are a member of the Jerusalem Church.

2. The Apostle Paul comes to visit.

3. Your mother and father had been imprisoned, tortured and killed by Paul's efforts.

4. How do you act?

B. By This ALL Will Know...