
A. We Face Many Choices.

1. There are choices at the beginning of and during each day.

2. There are choices at the beginning of and during each year.

3. There are choices at the beginning of and during our life.

B. A Life Changing Choice Made By Ruth.

Body: Ruth 1: 14 - 18

I. A Personal Choice.

A. She had to choose what she would do.

1. No one else could make the choice for her.
2. She had to decide whether to heed others’ advice or not.

B. There was no clear choice.

1. She could have returned home.
2. She could have stayed where she was.
3. She could have gone elsewhere.

II. A Comprehensive Choice.

A. It affected her entire life.

1. Her choice had no guarantee of happiness or fortune.
2. Her choice carried her far away from the place she knew.

B. It affected the lives of others.

1. It affected the life of Naomi – she was not left alone or childless.
2. It affected the life of Boaz – he took her as wife.
3. It affected our lives – she became the great grandmother of David.

III. A Determined Choice.

A. It was not an experiment to "see if she liked it."

B. It was based upon belief not personal desire.

1. She believed she had a duty to fulfill.
2. She believed God was the true God.


A. What Choice Do We Have?

1. God’s Way (Ephesians 4: 4 – 6).

2. Satan’s Way (Romans 1: 18 – 32).

B. Which Do You Choose?