
A. Revival - Do We Want It?

1. It is a transforming of us from dead to alive.

2. It requires commitment.

B. Excuses Are Our Greatest Enemy.

1. They slow us down or deter us from action.

2. They are false reasons for inactivity.

Body: Exodus 3: 1 - 10

I. Who Am I? (Exodus 3: 11)

A. The history of Moses.

B. We believe that we are insufficient for the task.

C. God’s Answer.

1. I will be with you! (Exodus 3: 12).
2. Jesus says, "I am with you" (Matthew 28: 20).
3. "If God is for us..." (Romans 8: 31).

II. What Shall I Say? (Exodus 3: 13)

A. Moses’ thought of approaching others.

B. We’re afraid we will not know what to say or how to answer.

C. God’s Answer.

1. "Thus you shall say..." (Exodus 3: 14, 15).
2. "Go…to your friends...and tell them..." (Mark 5: 19).
3. Prepare yourself (1 Peter 3: 15).

III. Suppose They Will Not Believe? (Exodus 4: 1)

A. Moses was afraid they would not listen.

B. What if I can’t convince them?

C. God’s Answer.

1. He equipped Moses (Exodus 4: 2 - 9).
2. Faith comes by hearing Word (Romans 10: 15 - 17).
3. They reject Jesus (Luke 10: 16).

IV. I Am Slow Of Speech And Slow Of Tongue (Exodus 4: 10).

A. Moses believes he is not a good speaker.

B. We feel there is a more capable speaker.

C. God’s Answer.

1. "I Am with you" (Exodus 4: 12 - 16).
2. The example of Peter.
3. The example of Paul (1 Corinthians 2: 1 - 4).

V. Please Send...Whomever Else You May Send (Exodus 4: 13).


A. What Excuse/s Have You Been Using?

B. Will God Be Able To Use You In His Service?

C. What Is Your Answer?