
A. We Talk About The Five Steps Of Salvation.

1. You must hear the truth

2. You must believe the gospel.

3. You must repent of you sinful lifestyle.

4. You must confess your belief in Jesus as the Son of God.

5. You must be baptized.

B. What Do We Mean When We Say, "You Must Confess?"

Body: Philippians 2 : 9 - 11

I. The Good Confession.

A. Confess Jesus is Lord.

B. The Ethiopian Example (Acts 8: 35 - 38).

1. He hears the truth.
2. He believes the truth.
3. He confesses his belief.
4. He is baptized.

C. Provides an intimate relationship with God (1 John 4: 15).

1. We live in Him.
2. He lives in us.

II. The Contrite Confession (James 5: 16 - 20).

A. Confess our faults, weaknesses, trespasses.

B. To one another.

1. "Own up" to those things we have done to each other.
2. Reveal our oneness in temptation to one another.
3. Humbly develop close, intimate, personal relationships.

C. Pray for one another.

1. For healing from sin and sickness.
2. For help in overcoming temptation.
3. For unity and oneness in attitude and spirit.

III. The Continual Confession (1 Peter 3: 15).

A. We are to be ready to "give a defense."

B. Strong held beliefs make changes in your life.

1. They change the way we think.
2. They change the way we talk.
3. They change the way we act.


A. Have You Confessed Christ?

B. Are You Still Confessing Him?