
A. Often, we talk "bad" about Bible people.

1. Israelites complaining about manna.

2. Israelites not trusting in God to deliver Canaan.

B. If we were to put ourselves in their position...

C. Challenge to identify with characters.

Body: Mark 4: 35 - 41

I. A Great Storm Arose.

A. Sea of Galilee known for storms.

B. Could be sudden and vicious.

C. It is evening, which would remove any visual landmarks.

II. This Event.

A. Follows a full day of teaching the multitudes.

B. Jesus is asleep.

C. The boat is filling.

D. They were in jeopardy (Luke 8: 23).

E. At least four were sea faring men.

III. Why did they wake Jesus?

A. Had they given up hope?

B. Did they want Him to be awake when they all died?

C. Did they expect Him to row or bail water?

IV. No Faith!?

A. Did they not believe God would protect them?

B. Did they not believe they would make it?

C. Would they rather live here than go to heaven?

V. Who can this be?

A. The plagues were brought on by God.

B. Old Testament miracles were always because of God.

C. Wind and sea were untamable.


A. Who is Jesus to us?

1. The Savior who saves us from sin?

2. The Son of God who gives us the chance to be brothers?

3. The One to Whom God has given all authority in heaven and earth?

B. How do you act toward Jesus?

C. Is He important to you?