
A. Special Comfort.

1. A Sympathetic High Priest (Hebrews 4: 15).

2. He is and understanding mediator.

B. Some Of The Temptations.

1. Famous passage.

2. 1 John 2: 16

Body: Luke 4: 1 - 13

I. The Lust of the Flesh.

A. Jesus is at a high spiritual peak.

1. Has just been baptized (3:21).
2. Received verbal commendation from God (3:22).
3. Filled with the Spirit (v.1).

B. Satan "attacks" Him for 40 days (v. 2a).

C. The first temptation (vs. 3, 4).

1. Use power to make food.
2. Would have been selfish use.
3. Would have broken a vow?

II. The Lust of the Eye.

A. Shows Jesus all of the Kingdoms.

1. Claims authority has been given to him.
2. He is in control of who controls.
3. Promises to Jesus for His defection.

B. The second Temptation.

1. Desire for power, prestige, and authority.
2. Satan’s deception - evil is in control.
3. Misplaced worship.

III. The Pride of Life.

A. Takes Jesus to Temple.

1. Sets Him on the highest place.
2. Dares Him to make God prove Himself.

B. The Third Temptation.

1. God says... - make Him prove it!
2. Bargain with God – "If you will...I will..."


A. Jesus - Our Example.

1. What is more important physical food or spiritual food?

2. What is the focus of our worship?

3. Do we really believe God?

B. The Temptations Can Be Overcome!