
A. Are You Serving God Fully?

B. Is There Something Holding You Back?

Body: Luke 18: 18 - 30

I. Who Is Good?

A. A question from a ruler.

1. Good Teacher - a different form of address.
2. How can I inherit eternal life?

B. Why did Jesus question this address.

1. An insincere compliment.
2. Understands the ruler's heart - seeking to be told he has already done what he should.
3. Only God is ultimately good.

II. How To Inherit Eternal Life?

A. Obey God's commands.

B. Rid yourself of that which holds you back.

III. Impossibly Possible.

A. Riches are a hindrance to inheritance.

B. A camel and the eye of a needle.

1. The low gate of the city of Jerusalem being called the Needle's Eye is a later explanation = humility.
2. A proverbial expression denoting impossibility (elephant going through the eye of a needle is used twice in Talmud).

C. Salvation

1. Man cannot save himself.
2. God can even save a rich man!

IV. God Knows Your Situation.

A. He knows what you hold dear.

B. He knows what you have lost.

C. You will be blessed far more than you lose.


A. Do We Really Believe This Is True?

1. We will receive more than we give.

2. We will be blessed in this life and in the next.

3. Spiritual riches are more important than physical riches.

B. If You Were To Lose Everything...

1. Would you be ruined?

2. Or, would you be richly blessed?