
A. Some Biblical Teachings Are Difficult To Understand.

B. Some Biblical Teachings Are Difficult To Do?

C. Some Biblical Teachings Are Difficult To Accept.

Body: Luke 16: 14 - 18

I. The Pharisees.

A. Lovers of money

B. Had been listening.

C. Sneered at Jesus.

II. The Law.

A. Justification

1. The Pharisees tried to justify themselves before men.
2. God knew the truth of their hearts.
3. They were "UNJUSTIFIED" before God.

B. God And Men Have Different Values.

1. What is of value to men? [money, land, possessions, etc.]
2. What is of value to God? [love, sacrifice, giving, etc.]

C. Teaching and Preaching.

1. Until John = the Law and the Prophets.
2. Now = the Kingdom of God.
3. Many desire to be included (but not the Pharisees?).

D. The Law Could Not Fail.

III. Divorce.

A. An example of the Pharisees' gross disobedience.

B. The subject of divorce.

1. Matthew 5: 32; 19: 9; Mark 10: 11; 1 Corinthians 7: 10-11
2. Except for the precursor of fornication it is a sin.
3. The punishment of adultery = death (Leviticus 20: 10).

C. What is the appropriate remedy?

1. Question of duration - Is it a point action or lifestyle sin?
a. Point Action = occurs at one point in time.
b. Lifestyle = reoccurrence of the same point action sin.
2. Potential remedies.
a. Go thy way and sin no more.
b. Refrain from marrying.
c. Return to spouse (except Deuteronomy 24: 3, 4).


A. Do You Want To Please God?

B. Do You Want To Please Yourself And Others?