
A. The Glass.

1. Is it half full or is it half empty?

2. What perspective do we have about our life?

a. Is it half full or half empty?
b. Is it good or is it bad?

B. What Perspective Did Jesus Have?

Body: Luke 14: 1 - 6

I. The Lawyers And Pharisees.

A. Jesus goes to a meal on Sabbath.

B. They are watching Jesus.

1. Did they enjoy the meal?
2. Did they fellowship with one another?
3. Were they trying to build up or destroy?

C. Refused to answer a legitimate question.

D. Is animal or person more important?

1. They could not answer.
2. Did not recognize the parallel.

II. Jesus.

A. Eating with "the enemy."

1. Cried for them just as for any Israelite (13: 34).
2. Went to houses and socialized, but also taught.

B. Looking to do good.

1. Man with disease just happens to be there?
2. Jesus "asks permission" to heal.
3. Heals with "no strings attached."


A. What Kind Of Perspective Do You Have?

1. Looking for the bad, negative, gloomy parts of life?

2. Looking for the good, positive, bright parts of life?

3. Do you think it has any affect upon our ability to "have an answer for everything?"

B. Do You Have Jesus' Or The Pharisees' Perspective?