
A. What Is Love?

1. Difficult to define.

2. Has many aspects and "shades."

B. What Is True Love!?

Body: John 3: 16 - 18

A. Had such a deep desire for our well-being.

1. Not just an emotion, attraction, or fondness.
2. Moved to action by His desire for us.

C. The Supreme Deity, Being, Authority.

II. So Loved

A. Had such a deep affection.

1. Not just an emotion.
2. Involves attraction, fondness and attachment.

B. Withheld nothing (Abraham did not either Genesis 22: 12).

III. The World

A. That which was created by Him.

B. Sinful, proud, arrogant, rebellious, etc. people (Romans 5: 8).

IV. He Gave

A. He provided a special gift to the world.

B. He demonstrated the full magnitude of His love.

1. He showed us the full extent of His love.
2. He placed His love on exhibit for all time.

V. His Son

A. The One closest and dearest to Him.

B. The only perfect sacrificial lamb.

1. He was the only One sufficient.
2. His sacrifice was enough to accomplish the task.

C. The ultimate price for salvation.

1. A life was required to pay the price for our sins.
2. God did not demand a human sacrifice from us.
3. God provided the sacrifice.


A. What Is True Love?

1. God giving His Son to save a sinful world.

2. Not withholding anything to or from the one loved.

B. Do You Truly Love God?

1. Is there anything or anyone more precious to you than Him?

2. Is there anything or anyone you would withhold from Him?