
A. What Fills Your Heart With Joy?

1. The love of family and friends.

2. The smile, plain talk, or happiness of a small child?

3. Feelings of satisfaction at completing a "good work?"

B. Why Do We Not Think Of Difficulties In This Way?

Body: James 1: 1 - 4

I. Joyful In Trials.

A. We can be joyful in trials.

B. We need a different perspective.

C. The reason for trials.

1. Trials refine our Christianity.
2. Trials polish our character.
3. Trials test us.

II. Tested Faith.

A. Trials test our belief.

1. Do we really believe God exists and takes care of His people?
2. Do we believe He really cares about and for us?
3. Do we believe His Word is true?

B. Trials test our conviction.

1. Are we certain God is in control?
2. Are we convinced God is doing the right thing?
3. Are we sure good will come?

C. Trials test our identity.

1. Are we of God?
2. Are we of Satan?

III. Perfection.

A. The work of patience.

B. Perfection through patience.

1. We become perfected as a child of God.
2. We become perfected as a follower of Christ.
3. We become perfected as one who walks in the Spirit.


A. How Do You View Trials?

B. Are You Still Being Perfected?