
A.      A Scathing Rebuke (5: 12 - 14)

1.      Unable to eat real food.

2.      Acting like babies.

3.      Have not grown up.

B.      Warns Of The Perils Of Apostasy.

Body:         Hebrews 6: 1 - 8

I.       The Elementary Principles.

A.      Repentance from dead works - Spiritual vs. worldly.

B.      Faith toward God - Trust and confidence.

C.      Doctrine of baptisms - baptism.

D.      Laying on of hands - miraculous works.

E.      Resurrection of the dead - the resurrection.

F.      Eternal judgment - is there a heaven and hell.

II.      Peril Of Falling Away.

A.      Impossible to return.

1.       For those who have been once enlightened.
2.       For those who have tasted the heavenly gift.
3.       For those who have been partakers of the Holy Spirit.
4.       For those who have tasted the good word.
5.       For those who have tasted the powers of age to come.

B.      They fall away.

1.       Requires renewal to repentance.
2.       They have re-crucified Christ.
3.       They have openly shamed Christ.

III.    Analogy From Nature.

A.      The earth receives the rain.

1.       Is blessed by God for producing good.
2.       Is rejected, cursed and burnt for producing bad.

B.      Christians receive gifts from God.

1.       Blessed for producing good.
2.       Cursed for producing evil.


A.      How Solid Is Your Footing?

1.      Are you convinced of the rightness of Christianity?

2.      Are you well grounded in the foundation principles?

3.      Are you steadfast and immoveable in God’s way?

B.      Are You In Danger Of Falling Away?