
A. We Have Been Called.

1. We must walk worthily of that calling.

2. We must live like Christ did.

3. We must work to retain peace.

B. We Have Certain Things In Common.

Body: Ephesians 4: 4 - 6

I. One Body.

A. One church over which Christ is the Head.

B. One gathering or assembly of Christians.

C. One working force dedicated to Christ.

II. One Spirit.

A. One In-Dwelling of God within.

B. One mental disposition of purpose and desire.

III. One Hope Of Your Calling.

A. One expectation of the outcome of our life and commitment.

B. One confidence we have concerning things to come.

IV. One Lord.

A. One Who is the King of our life.

B. One Who is in control and making the decisions.

V. One Faith.

A. One common belief and persuasion.

B. One trust for truth, wisdom and understanding.

VI. One Baptism.

A. One washing and cleansing from sin.

B. One way into Christ.

VII. One God and Father

A. He is above all

B. He is through all

C. He is in you all.


A. There Are Seven Foundational Principles Of Christianity.

B. Examine Yourself.

1. Through study of the Scripture.

2. Through comparison of yourself with the Scripture.

C. Are You A Part Of Christ's Body Or Some Other?