
A. Are You Old Fashioned?

1. Do you think like they used to think?

2. Do you act and work like they did "back then?"

3. Do you long for the way it used to be?

B. Is Being Old Fashioned Always The Best Way To Live?

Body: Ephesians 4: 17 - 24

I. The Old Way.

A. Futile Thinking.

1. Wasted ability.
2. Misguided priorities.
3. Inappropriate focus.

B. Darkened Understanding.

1. Can only see in shadows and silhouettes.
2. Have been blinded to see "only certain things.

C. Seeking Thrills.

1. Continually seeking more and/or greater "satisfaction."
2. Greater desire to have more and more.

II. The New Way.

A. Not Spoiled Rotten.

1. No longer involved with corruption.
2. No longer guided by deceitful lust.
a. Deceitful = misinforming, swindling, hypocritical.
b. Lust = longing for something forbidden.

B. A Renewed Mind.

1. Thinking which has been renovated.
2. Thinking which has been reformed.

C. God’s New Creation.

1. Put on true righteousness.
2. Put on true holiness.


A. So, Are You Old Or New?

B. Are You Acceptable To God Or Corrupt?

C. Are You Living A Corrupt Life Or Renewed Life?