
A. A Prayer For The Ephesians.

B. A Prayer For Our Congregation.

Body: Ephesians 3: 14 - 21

I. A Prayer For The Church.

A. Strength through His Spirit.

1. God is rich!!!
2. We have access to MIGHT, not just strength.
3. It comes from within, through the Spirit.

B. Christ in our hearts.

1. Our heart is to be His house (not guest room).
2. We must have faith.

C. Comprehension (find, obtain, perceive) of Christ’s love.

1. Requires being rooted and grounded in love.
2. Covers great expanses.
3. Surpasses knowledge.

D. Filled with the fullness of God.

1. That you would be complete and perfected in God.
2. That you would be satisfied and content with God

II. Praise Of God.

A. He is able to do more than we ask.

B. He is able to do more than we think.

C. His power works in us.

1. It is compatible with us.
2. It moves and affects us.

D. All should praise Him.


A. We Are So Blessed By God.

1. He has blessed us with His strength.

2. He has blessed us with Christ.

3. He has blessed us with wisdom.

4. He has blessed us with everything.

B. May God Be Glorified.

1. Here, as He has in the past.

2. In our lives, as we live for Him.