
A. Do We Really Understand The Grace Of God?

1. How He can bless such ungrateful people.

2. How He could provide His son as a sacrifice.

3. How He Can See Beyond What Is And See What Can Be.

B. Can We Comprehend The Fullness Of God’s Grace?

Body: Ephesians 3: 1 - 13

I. Grace Given.

A. What God gave Paul.

1. God gave him the opportunity to make amends.
2. God gave Him knowledge and understanding.
3. God made him a minister of the gospel (v. 7).

B. What God has given us.

1. God has given us opportunity to be saved.
2. God has given us His word for understanding.
3. God has given us the blessing of work in His kingdom.

II. Grace Bestowed.

A. Fellow heirs.

1. A part of the same body.
2. A part of the same fellowship.

B. Partakers of the promise.

III. Grace Purposed.

A. The unsearchable riches of Christ.

B. Fellowship of all together.

C. God’s wisdom revealed.

D. God’s eternal purpose accomplished.

E. We have access to God.

1. We have boldness through faith.
2. We have confidence through faith.

F. Keep Your eye on the ultimate goal.

1. Do not be distracted by current situations.
2. Do not lose sight of what is real.


A. The Grace Of God.

1. Is immense and unsurpassable.

2. Is by purpose, not accident.

3. Is freely offered.

B. Have You Accepted His Gift?