
A. Where Do You Look?

1. When temptation comes your way?

2. When difficult decisions have to be made?

3. For knowledge, wisdom and understanding?

B. Who Is The Most Powerful Person You Know?

Body: Ephesians 1: 15 - 23

I. Thankfulness.

A. For them.

1. For their faith.
2. For their love for the brethren.

B. Makes mention in his prayers.

II. Growth From God.

A. Spirit of wisdom and revelation.

B. Enlightened understanding.

C. Know the hope of His calling.

D. Know the riches of His inheritance.

E. Know His power.

1. Its exceeding greatness.
2. It is toward believers.
3. It raised Christ from the dead.

III. Christ Jesus.

A. God raised Him from the dead.

B. God seated Him at His right hand.

C. God gave Him a name above every name.

D. God put all things under His seat.

E. God made Him head over the church.

1. He is over all things.
2. We are His body.
3. We fulfill (make complete) Him Who fills.


A. When You Need Help…

1. Do you reach out to God in prayer?

2. Do you seek His guidance from His Word?

3. Do you share with your brothers and sisters?

B. Is God Your Primary Caregiver?