
A. Easter - A Day Of Special Significance.

1. Special focus upon the world's most selfless act.

2. Reminder of our condition before God.

3. Hope for a brighter future.

B. The Day When Light Chased Away The Darkness.

Body: Colossians 1: 13, 14

I. Darkness No More.

A. Delivered from darkness' power.

1. Freed from the grip of fear.
2. Freed from guilt.
3. Freed from hopelessness in a hopeless situation.

B. Carried to the kingdom.

1. The kingdom headed by His Son - the Light.
2. The kingdom filled with His love.

II. We Are Redeemed.

A. The ransom has been paid.

B. Our freedom has been purchased.

C. The daring rescue has been accomplished.

III. Our Sins Forgiven.

A. The infection is cured.

1. The melanoma of sin is completely gone.
2. Our spiritual HIV is completely cured.

B. The power is broken.

1. Sin no longer controls our thoughts.
2. Sin no longer controls or lives.

C. The guilt taken away.


A. Have You Been To Jesus?

1. For the cleansing power of His blood?

2. For the love of God found in Him?

3. For salvation full and free?

B. You Have One Life To Live - - Make It The Best It Can Be!