
A. What Is Your Idea Of Jesus?

1. He is the founder of what I believe?

2. He is Someone Who did some wonderful things a long time ago?

3. He is Lord and Savior?

B. Just How Essential Is Jesus?

Body: Acts 2: 22 - 26

I. Confirmed By God.

A. Many miracles, signs and wonders.

1. Jesus healed physically, mentally and spiritually sick and ill.
2. Jesus healed physical handicaps (lame, blind, etc.).
3. Jesus had power of nature (storms, food, trees, etc.).
4. Jesus raised the dead.
5. Who else has ever had all of these abilities? God!

B. In the presence of all.

1. The things He did were not normally hidden from public view.
2. His actions and teachings were well known by all.

II. Provided By God.

A. It was God’s will.

1. He did this freely and willingly.
2. He wasn’t reacting to something that was unexpected.

B. It was known beforehand.

1. He knew when He created the world (1 Peter 1: 20).
2. He was not caught unaware.

III. Raised Up By God.

A. Jesus destroyed the fear of death.

B. Jesus could not be held by death.

C. His victory assures us.

1. He will always be with us.
2. He is worthy of praise and worship.
3. We have hope.
a. The hope of help through difficult times.
b. The hope of resurrection.
c. The hope of eternal life.


A. Who Is Jesus To You?

B. Who Is Central To Your Life?

C. What Does Your Life Reveal About Your Beliefs?