
A. What Do You See?

1. That which is of this world.

2. Beyond the physical, to the spiritual.

B. Do You Have God’s Vision?

Body: Acts 10: 34 - 43

I. No Partiality.

A. What God does not observe.

1. God is not distracted by appearances.
2. God is not distracted by nationality.

B. What God does observe.

1. Those who fear Him.
a. Are in awe of Him.
b. Revere Him as high and holy.
c. Afraid of His wrath.
2. Those who work righteousness.

II. Jesus of Nazareth.

A. Preached peace.

B. Anointed by God.

C. Went about doing good.

D. He died, was buried, then raised the third day.

III. The Delivered Gospel.

A. Jesus will judge all of the living and the dead.

1. Matthew 25: 31, 32
2. John 5: 22
3. 2 Timothy 4: 1

B. Whoever believes will receive remission of sin.

1. Sincere belief.
2. Forgiveness and cleansing from sin.


A. Do You Fear God?

B. Do You Work Righteousness?

C. Do You Believe In Jesus?