
A. If You Had The Chance, Who Would You Like To Thank The Most For The Impact They Have Had On Your Life?

B. Who In Your Life Do You Consider Very Dear And Special?

C. Who Do You Only Wish Good Things To Happen To Them?

Body: 3 John 1: 1 - 4

I. Truly Loved.

A. Held in a close to heart location.

B. A love which is real and sincere.

II. Prosperity.

A. In all things.

B. In health.

C. The same as soul is prospering.

1. Is our soul prospering?
2. What does it take to prosper?
a. Proper nutrition.
b. Exercise, work, effort.
c. Willingness to grow and learn.
3. What if our health and success in life was dependent upon the state of our soul?

III. A Truthful Walk.

A. One which is noticed by others.

1. Someone whose actions verify their words.
2. Someone whose Christian character is evident 7 days, not just one, a week.
3. Someone who influences their surroundings for good.

B. One which brings joy.

1. It brings joy to God and to Christ.
2. It brings joy to those who have tried to nurture your faith.


A. Are You Being The Type Of Person Others Love?

B. Is Your Life Prospering Like Your Soul?

C. Are You Being True To Your Master?