
A. Have You Ever Really Wanted Something?

1. Maybe you had a craving for food.

2. A possession thought you needed.

3. New job, better health, etc.

B. As A Christian.

1. What do you desire?

2. What are you doing about it?

Body: 1 Peter 2: 1 - 3

I. Lay Aside Completely (do away with, put to the side, cast off).

A. All Malice

Ill will, badness, naughtiness, desire for hurt.

B. All Deceit

"Pulling the wool", leading to believe one thing.

C. Hypocrisy

Pretending, acting, playing a part.

D. Envy

Desire for other's belongings, spiteful jealousy.

E. Evil Speaking

Bad mouthing, backbiting, defaming one another.

II. A Holy (Peculiar) Desire.

A. For the Word of God.

1. The pure nourishment.
2. Growth.
3. As newborn babes.

B. A Taste of Heaven.

1. Experienced God's grace.
2. Recognize we have tasted.


A. Compare and Contrast.

1. The World.

a. Full of malice and hatred.
b. Full of deceitfulness and lies.
c. Full of play acting and pretending.
d. Full of envy and jealousy.
e. Full of bad mouthing and mud slinging.

2. The Way.

a. Put aside the world's way of "doing business."
b. Feed upon God's Word.

B. Have You Looked In The Mirror Lately?