
A. Did You Know You Were Not Dressed Properly?

B. How Would You Feel If You Forgot To Get Dressed?

Body: 1 Corinthians 15: 50 - 58

I. The Last Dressing Room.

A. The need for change.

1. The Kingdom of Heaven
a. Is not physical in nature.
b. Does not end or decay.
2. The physical will not inherit the kingdom.
3. That which is corruptible (subject to decay) will not inherit.
4. To inherit we must be changed.
a. For now, the change is inwardly.
b. Then, the change will be completely.

B. In a moment.

1. No waiting around.
2. As quick as a wink, blink or twitch of the eye.

C. New clothes.

1. The dead will be raised "undecaying."
2. We will put on our perfect clothes.

II. The Power Of Death.

A. Death is the result of the sinfulness of man.

B. The law brings understanding and judgment of sin.

III. Worthy Effort.

A. Victory over death and sin are found in Jesus.

1. Christ was not subject to death because He did not sin.
2. He defeated death.
3. He provides us with the means to defeat death.

B. Christian labor is never worthless.


A. We Have Not Yet Been Clothed.

1. We are still mere mortals.

2. We are still subject to decay.

B. But, There Is Coming A Day...Are You Ready?